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Cush Media

If your Goal is an updated website using Google best practices, Cush Media can Help.
If your Goal is increased traffic to your website, Cush Media can Help.
If your Goal is to generate more likes to your Facebook page, Cush Media can Help
If your Goal is to create updated content on all your Social Media, Cush Media can Help.

Cush Media Online

HTML5 Sites

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language – a code that’s used to create the structure for a web page and its content.

This markup language is comprised of a series of elements that used to make content appear or function a certain way and is a major part of the front-end code of every website.

What is the difference between HTML and HTML5?

As the name suggests, HTML5 is the fifth version of the HTML standard. It supports the integration of video and audio into the language, which reduces the need for third-party plugins and elements.

Why HTML5 Sites?

HTML5 is the most up-to-date HTML code. It is fast and reliable and can serve to all major browsers.

Properly written, HTML5 sites are the cleanest and fastest possible websites. SPEED is a major factor in Googles website ranking. HTML5 websites that are properly written give you a huge advantage in ranking.

How are Cush Media HTML5 sites built?

HTML5 is used to dictate the structure and content that will be displayed.

CSS is used for the modification of the site design such as the layout, visual effect, text size and color, background color, and just about every aspect of the site. This is the 'styling' of the site.

PHP is a code language that allows for server side development and control of a website.

PHP allows information that is used on all pages (like the header, the menu, the footer) to be loaded when the site is first displayed and then re-used without reloading on each page view. This makes your website much faster giving you much better ranking on the seach engines.

Contact us for more information.